Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Second Cop-Out

Well, there are only 22 days until I leave on my big ole UK trip. To be honest, yes, I could spend all the time faithfully reading Shakespeare and fulfill my original goal. But, to quote the Bard himself, I feel as though I have sucked the sweets of sweet philosophy, and to be frank, it's getting a little old.

Now, I am not giving up on ole' Willy. Far from it! But I am going to take the rest of the plays at a more leisurely pace, making my NEW AND REVISED goal to finish them before the end of the semester. In the upcoming 22 days, besides school and my various theatrical commitments, I am going to devote myself to my neglected Celtic fellows.

After all, we are spending the first four days of the trip in Dublin, and my readings of Wilde and Joyce are sadly lacking. Also I have this big book of Irish folktales that I dismissed in fifth grade as "boring" (code for: these are really hard to get through, but I don't want to admit that anything is beyond my reading capabilities). So I'm going to drag that back out.

Besides, the Celts are awesome. I mean, woad, you guys. Woad.

Wanna be as hooked on the Celts as I am? Check out this incedible website. It will change your life. It's all about the woad, druids, and singing severed heads. Yep, you heard me right. Its awesomeness almost makes up for the fact that we don't get to see Stonehenge on this trip. Almost.

So, I'll keep you posted on my new discoveries over the next few weeks and, of course, the trip itself. Then we'll return to ze Bard. I promise.


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