Monday, March 12, 2007

So close!

It is only four days now until the trip, and I don't think my mind has begun to realize how excited I am--it doesn't feel real, and I don't think it will until the plane lands. This update is not going to be about literature, I haven't had much time for reading lately, what with all of the intense homework and preparations for leaving the country (many more than I expected). I have never left the South East before, the furthest North I've been is Washington D.C. back in fifth grade.

I have heard all these wonderful thigns about travel, how it broadens the mind, etc, and I am ready, metaphorically, to be broadened. Apparently there's a great big world out there, with no fences around it, and I'm ready to seek it out.

I've also recently (the past few weeks really have been a whirlwind) been invited to participate in a summer study program at Oxford. We went through phases of seeking scholarships, and back and forth, yes nos and maybes, but it seems like now it is really going to happen. So, in addition to some Shakespeare, you can expect a few alums. That would include...everyone brilliant, ever?

It's all happening so suddenly--I have to just try and be ready.


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