Sunday, January 28, 2007

The First Cop-Out

Okay, so I took the SAT yesterday, and as my brain currently completely drained of anything remotely resembling cleverness or wit, I am postponing my clever remarks on the wonderful Cymbeline until a bit later. Instead, I am celebrating the fact that I only have twenty plays left to go, by listing the ones I've read thus far with a few summarizing remarks.

Two Gentlemen of Verona: way too sad to be considered a comedy.

Love Labour's Lost: I was also lost by about page four. Too many characters, too much wordplay, does not translate well to today's ear.

The Comedy of Errors: Twins are funny--this one has two sets of 'em!

Romeo and Juliet: Just wanted to get it on....I mean, classic tragedy. First ever celebration of teen angst. (I'm mostly kidding. This is one of my favorites, and the 1960s movie is great slumber party fare.)

The Taming of the Shrew: Questionable morals. Kiss Me, Kate was better.

A Midsummer Night's Dream: I like Puck an awful lot, and I kind of want to be Titania. I really like this one.

The Merchant of Venice: See comments on Love Labour's Lost. Add in an astonishing amount of anti-Semitism.

Much Ado About Nothing: I beg to differ--it was definitely about something. When I remember what exactly, I'll let you know.

12th Night: Again with the too sad to be a comedy. I've seen two different productions of this--one traditional and one set in 1960s sitcom world. Not gonna lie--I had more fun when the jesters were cheerleaders.

Henry VIII: Anne Boleyn is unbelievable. As in, everything she said was jaw droppingly full of innuendo and irony. I adored her. (Too bad most of the play is Catherine of Aragon whining. What's she got to whine about? Wait till he sends you to the Tower of London for beheading. Then you can whine.)

The Tempest: I will have to revisit this one. It was so good that it merits its own entry.

Julius Caesar: Tons of fun. I like Cassius--too bad he's doomed for the Inferno.

Macbeth: Is awesome. I love that there is a character named McDuffy.

Antony and Cleopatra: Is an example of why really beautiful people make for bad monarchs. I really like all of Cleopatra's rants though.

Titus Andronicus: Ewwwwwwwwww.

Cymbeline: probably one of my favorites yet. It'll get an entry soon.

Up next for the reading is Richard III. Maybe I'll just rent the movie...


Hannah said...

A Midsummer Night's Dream and Much Ado About Nothing are my favorites, I think. Though I do like The Taming of the Shrew. And of course Romeo and Juliet.


I'm not really making this comment for any actual reason.

TJBeitelman... said...

This is a really great start, Molly. Keep it up.